How Paint Color Can Affect a Car’s Value

How Paint Color Can Affect a Car’s Value

Our world has many valuable vehicles with different features, but numerous components make a vehicle valuable to the public. A common way we judge a vehicle is by its appearance, and the color is the first feature that stands out that we base our value on. Learn more below about why the paint color matters in vehicles and how we estimate its worth from the tones and shades of its surface.

Why We Focus on Paint Color

Whether on a house, wall, or car, paint color is a valuable trait of an object. The color of the paint sets the tone for a room or object and causes us to feel certain emotions in response. Many of us associate color with different personal feelings, memories, and themes as well as with pop culture and moments throughout history.

Red is often associated with love, anger, romance, and blood, while copper or brown reminds people of the earth, warmth, chocolate, and nature. We want colors that stir up the memories and feelings inside us that help us feel alive; even if those sensations feel sadder than others, they’ll still feel raw and refreshing. The paint color matters, as it presents an image to the viewer and a representation of a feeling or concept.

The Effects of Paint Color on a Car

Car colors produce various reactions in people. The right hue will convey certain values that car owners prize and give an impression of the vehicle’s cost. These determinations will typically involve how much a car is worth, its appearance, and its rarity.

These features are why many car companies prioritize paint color when revealing a new model or attempting to drive up sales. Understanding how paint color affects the value of a car will help you determine the worth of other vehicles and how they may sell in the future.

Monetary Value

Although it’s often subconscious, we place a monetary value on a vehicle depending on its paint. We associate different colors with elegance, with lighter colors such as white, gold, and silver depicting higher value and darker colors of black and indigo having moderate to low value. Many newer cars with a high price tag will have a brighter color to associate the color of the paint with the elegance that it comes with.

The color of the car will also determine its resale value. A dull navy or mustard yellow vehicle won’t sell as well as one that’s painted a vibrant cerulean or tinted gold because it looks less valuable. You’ll make more money and attract more buyers when you have the right coat of paint.

Appraisal by Appearance

Unfortunately, many of us judge by appearance, and the paint color of a car falls victim to this judgment, like anything else. We consider a car’s paint and let that factor into placing a value on the vehicle as a whole. Great paint color with light tints or artistic tones may be more eye-catching on a vehicle than a basic hue with no alterations.

For example, the color yellow is sometimes associated with illness or danger, making it an unlikely candidate for an extravagant car. But it does have some artistic value and makes the vehicle stand out, especially if the specific hue or shade is well chosen. Paint color affects the value of a car depending on prevailing tastes. Black paint is often an exception in the car world as vehicles of both high and low value are black, but it ultimately trickles down to the type of car and how well the color looks on it.


A rare car will have various features that you won’t find on most vehicles. The color will help convey its rarity, as a rare car needs to have an appearance to match. Unique colors make a car stand out and give it a special value.

Cars painted forest green or sunset orange will have a certain appearance that gives them more value over other cars, as these colors are not usually standard. If the car is a luxury model, the value will increase further with the addition of a special color that makes its features pop. Automotive components, naturally, determine a car’s worth and rarity, but you can’t deny that first impressions are strong.

The Effects of Certain Colors

While colors of paint affect a car’s value, certain colors will have more specific effects than others. The most common paint colors—white, black, red, blue, and gray—have specific influences on people, making them great options for a car’s paint job. Take note of these colors the next time you look at a new car, and consider how it makes you feel and what you think of it.


White-painted cars will remain fashionable as the “pure” look won’t go out of style. White is the cleanest color and provides the feeling of a blank canvas or something new that looks pristine. Because of this clean appearance, many newer vehicles use white paint. The appearance should reflect the state of the new vehicle.


Along with the color white, cars painted black are extremely popular. The sleek style of black creates mystery and subtlety in a vehicle, alluring people with its appearance. Luxury cars such as a Rolls-Royce or a Bentley have extravagant looks that impress people, but with black paint, they portray an even more intriguing image that demands a closer look.

Black cars go hand-in-hand with cities that have an eventful nightlife, such as Miami. A Bentley rental in Miami, FL, will have great value among other vehicles because of the car’s monetary worth and the addition of black paint for a subtle, classy look.


The flashy appearance of red shows off a vehicle to vibrant effect. Many people want a color that pops, and red paint improves a car’s value by making it noticeable and bold. Many people associate the color red with speed and power.


A simple gray won’t draw much attention; most people are less likely to notice something gray unless it contrasts with another color. Silver, however, enhances a car’s value by giving it a neutral tone that glitters like the precious metal associated with it. Like gold, silver is related to monetary value and expresses a higher financial status in cars. People will likely lean toward neutral colors since they combine well with other colors, and silver has a great appearance that complements other colors added to the vehicle for a design.

Color is an important trait of any object, so it’s obvious that the right paint color can enhance the appearance of any car. Consider how a car’s paint color affects you and how you value it to understand the car you want.

How Paint Color Can Affect a Car’s Value