5 Mistakes To Avoid When Renting an Exotic Car

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Renting an Exotic Car

There’s nothing quite like getting behind the wheel of an exotic car. Going from 0 to 60 in no time is a genuine thrill that many people try to experience at least once in their lifetime. A fantastic way to fulfill this dream while saving money is to rent; however, it’s important to remain cautious as you make this dream a reality. Before you start the rental process, read these five mistakes to avoid when renting an exotic car.

Choosing the Wrong Vehicle

To start, you need to choose the car that best fits you and your location. It’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetic and features of a vehicle, but does it suit your needs? It’s important to consider factors such as the number of people you’re traveling with, the type of transmission, and the weather forecast before selecting a car. For example, let’s say you’re spending a long weekend in Florida with the family—going with a Bentley rental in Miami might be your best bet. Or perhaps it’s a romantic getaway, in which case a Lamborghini Huracan would make for a better ride.

Only Shopping by Price

As much fun as it is to have all the bells and whistles, you’ll still want to have a set budget in place before renting an exotic car. If price is the only factor you consider when renting a luxury vehicle, you’ll likely end up disappointed—if a company is offering a deal too good to be true, there’s a good chance the rest of their services don’t meet the mark. On the other hand, although exotic cars are more expensive to rent, you also don’t want to pay double if you don’t have to.

Overspending on Insurance

If you have personal car insurance, you want to start by reviewing the rental policy. This first step could save you a lot of money during the rental process—most insurance companies cover any damage to rental cars (even exotic ones), so there’s no need to feel pressured into buying additional coverage from the rental car company. Some banks offer to cover these expenses, which could be another option to explore before settling on any rental company’s packages.

Not Inspecting the Car

Before you hit the road, it’s crucial to thoroughly inspect the vehicle. Keep an eye out for any scratches and dents—even small ones. If you find blemishes on the car, note where they’re located and take pictures with your phone if possible. If they agree, you can ask a professional at the rental car company to do an inspection as well.

Returning the Car Late

It’s easy to become caught up in the fun and excitement of driving a luxury vehicle, which is why you should consider our final mistake to avoid when renting an exotic vehicle. To ensure you get the car back in the rental lot on time, set calendar reminders or alarms on your phone. Many exotic rental car companies will charge a late fee, so plan your trip ahead of time and allot enough time for travel to and from all your destinations.